Interior Designer

We recognise that the ongoing support of an engaged community is integral to the future of B2B media, meaning that we’re focused on delivering an audience inspired approach to knowledge generation and intelligence provision. Through the Building family of products and services, our community reach now extends across digital, print and live

Our team

Wim Vanhee

Guillermo Wim Vanhee

Administrador y asesor

móvil + 34 677 56 49 78

nacionalidad belga

20 años de experiencia

español, neerlandés, inglés, francés, alemán


Vasti Vanhee


Móvil +34 696 26 59 54

nacionalidad belga

especialista en marketing

fotografía y videografía

español, neerlandés, inglés, francés, alemán


En varios paises

contamos con varios colaboradores a nivel nacional e internacional

Reserve su vivienda

INFORMACIÓN + 34 677 56 49 78

Stylish Living

We recognise that the ongoing support of an engaged community is integral to the future of B2B media, meaning that we’re focused on delivering an audience inspired approach to knowledge generation and intelligence provision. Through the Building family of products and services, our community reach now extends across digital, print and live platforms, and as a result we’re more than just a media provider; we’re an influential hub for world-class thought leadership and innovation.